Top of Mind

Should the Biden Administration investigate the previous Trump Administration?

Waitari Harvey

Glen Kirschner, former federal prosecutor, released a video on his YouTube channel titled, “Here's Why the Rule of Law Requires Trump Be Prosecuted Upon Leaving Office”. I recently had a discussion with a friend about the reports that the incoming Biden Administration says it does not plan to pursue the Trump administration for laws broken during its four years. My friend did not vote for Trump, but he did agree with the stated Biden decision to not pursue the Trump administration. The new administration feels that it is more important for the country to begin healing and that Trump would...

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Justice Can Be Blind in More Ways Than One

Waitari Harvey

Black people are being murdered by the police and the police are not accountable.Many of the killings have been recorded.This is not a point of view. It is a statement of fact.

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Whitey on the Moon

Waitari Harvey

  I started watching season one of the HBO series Lovecraft Country. Episode 2 was quite a shocker. The protagonist, Atticus, a black man, is used by his white relative who is head of a secret order in a ritual to open the gates of Eden and make him immortal. The plan fails. It failed before when his father before him tried it. In the background while the head of the order is reciting the sacred words to open the gate, you can hear the musician and artist, Gil Scott Heron reciting his spoken word poem, Whitey on the Moon...

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Pandemic Profiteering

Waitari Harvey

Why would the top e-retailer of May 2020 be involved in price gouging its customer's on basic essential items required during the pandemic?

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Panic | Prepare

Waitari Harvey

The President was aware that the virus (COVID-19) was airborne, highly contagious and could potentially kill more people than the various strains of the flu virus.He admitted this to investigative reporter, Bob Woodward in February 2020. In public he deliberately played down how lethal the virus was.

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